Seldom today can you buy a planet and with it you get a further two orbs to represent its moons or satellite’s, we have made this quirky stand for our planetary globes, particulary suitable for planets with moons or satellites. This globe of Mars we have updated the existing NASA/USGS data to include more place names and we have also decided to change the typeface. We have used Helvetia with a white outline – our Venus globe is opposite to this with a black outline on the text.
Mars’ two satellites are Diemos & Phobos. DEIMOS (or Deimus) was the god (daimon) of fear, dread and terror, and his twin-brother PHOBOS (Phobus) of panic fear, flight and battlefield rout. They were sons of the god Mars (aka Ares – Greek), who accompanied their father into battle, driving his chariot and spreading fear in their wake. As sons of Aphrodite, goddess of love, the twins also represented the fear of loss. In classical art the two were usually represented as youths. Phobos was sometimes depicted with a lion or lion-like head.
Our 12″ Mars is also available on any of our other 12″ Stands (Liberty, Rand McNally etc.) or a Black Base similar to the Maxwell Moon Globe.
This Globe is also available on a Black Base similar to the Pergamon Moon Globe 1963.
It is also available on a red stand that encompasses its symbolic attributes.
Mars is also available on black vertical bases with brass collar or no brass collar.
This globe has now been updated to depict the 2 recent NASA Rover landing points and also the intended Beagle landing zone.
The combination of the three makes a pretty formidable object to bring into one’s household. And it might make the male of the household a dominating tyrant unless a globe of Venus is present.
It also might make a good gift to downtrodden a hen-pecked husband, it also sadly would be a very fitting gift for any soldier.
We have also made an unusual mars globe on this stand, one which was made by us for Walt Disney’s John Carter of Mars. This globe being a second with a flaw in the artwork which we corrected on the one that Disney used for the film, The one in the film was on a more sedate Victorian stand. The artwork based on Percival Lowell’s 19th century observations by Phillis Lehmer at Think Thark Productions who were working under Disney.
Mars Globe with Diemos & Phobos on antique reclaimed stand £450 – £750 + Delivery.
Globe of Mars
£145.00 – £350.00
Our modern Mars globe uses NASA’s data and is always up to date with Mars landings.
Seldom today can you buy a planet and with it you get a further two orbs to represent its moons or satellite’s, we have made this quirky stand for our planetary globes, particulary suitable for planets with moons or satellites. This globe of Mars we have updated the existing NASA/USGS data to include more place names and we have also decided to change the typeface. We have used Helvetia with a white outline – our Venus globe is opposite to this with a black outline on the text.
Mars’ two satellites are Diemos & Phobos. DEIMOS (or Deimus) was the god (daimon) of fear, dread and terror, and his twin-brother PHOBOS (Phobus) of panic fear, flight and battlefield rout. They were sons of the god Mars (aka Ares – Greek), who accompanied their father into battle, driving his chariot and spreading fear in their wake. As sons of Aphrodite, goddess of love, the twins also represented the fear of loss. In classical art the two were usually represented as youths. Phobos was sometimes depicted with a lion or lion-like head.
Our 12″ Mars is also available on any of our other 12″ Stands (Liberty, Rand McNally etc.) or a Black Base similar to the Maxwell Moon Globe.
This Globe is also available on a Black Base similar to the Pergamon Moon Globe 1963.
It is also available on a red stand that encompasses its symbolic attributes.
Mars is also available on black vertical bases with brass collar or no brass collar.
This globe has now been updated to depict the 2 recent NASA Rover landing points and also the intended Beagle landing zone.
The combination of the three makes a pretty formidable object to bring into one’s household. And it might make the male of the household a dominating tyrant unless a globe of Venus is present.
It also might make a good gift to downtrodden a hen-pecked husband, it also sadly would be a very fitting gift for any soldier.
We have also made an unusual mars globe on this stand, one which was made by us for Walt Disney’s John Carter of Mars. This globe being a second with a flaw in the artwork which we corrected on the one that Disney used for the film, The one in the film was on a more sedate Victorian stand. The artwork based on Percival Lowell’s 19th century observations by Phillis Lehmer at Think Thark Productions who were working under Disney.
Mars Globe with Diemos & Phobos on antique reclaimed stand £450 – £750 + Delivery.
Additional information
2 to 8 Weeks
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