On the 1st of October 1989, an English Tabloid Newspaper proclaimed that a Russian space probe called ‘Phobus’ had detected a statue of Elvis Presley in a formation of Martian rocks. Needles to say that this rightly made the front page and it would appear that the Sunday sport had secured an ‘exclusive’ feature as surprisingly no other paper was to mention this unusual phenomena.
I remember my partner Iain showing me a copy of the newspaper. It clearly struck a chord and I never forgot it. Recently while preparing the art work for our Mars Globe, I realised that I could publish one extra gore (map section) which I could alter in order to celebrate both Elvis as well as the Sunday Sport’s unique perspective on journalism. The result you see here before you. The Elvis version we have mounted on a white base to symbolise his White Vegas years, the official NASA place names on the extra gore we have removed and replaced with Elvis related place names.
Many of the Place names are for Hotels with an appropriate star, here you will find not only Heartbreak Hotel but also Kentucky Rain Hotel and also Blue Suevite Shoes Hotel (suevite being a type of mineral).
We have also positioned one or two road signs, for example by our makers label we have positioned a ‘Round the Bend’ sign.
Lastly, in the same position on Mars as indicated by the Sunday Sport, you will find Elvis immortalized. There are few items today available which celebrate Elvis in such a fitting way, I have heard of ‘Elvis Bog Roll Holders’ and other sad demeaning items. We after considerable time and effort have made not only a unique item but also, an item which will possibly become as legendary as the 1989 Sunday Sport article. It is now 25 years since his death and yet his songs still succeed in reaching the number one spot of the music charts. As long as people wish to evolve with ears, it will then be fair to say that Elvis will remain in the human sphere of consciousness.
We can supply this globe on a more impressive stand should your heart desire it!
Elvis’ Mars Globe
On the 1st of October 1989, an English Tabloid Newspaper proclaimed that a Russian space probe called ‘Phobus’ had detected a statue of Elvis Presley in a formation of Martian rocks. Needles to say that this rightly made the front page and it would appear that the Sunday sport had secured an ‘exclusive’ feature as surprisingly no other paper was to mention this unusual phenomena.
Elvis Mars Globe on Funky Spun Metal Base.
I remember my partner Iain showing me a copy of the newspaper. It clearly struck a chord and I never forgot it. Recently while preparing the art work for our Mars Globe, I realised that I could publish one extra gore (map section) which I could alter in order to celebrate both Elvis as well as the Sunday Sport’s unique perspective on journalism. The result you see here before you. The Elvis version we have mounted on a white base to symbolise his White Vegas years, the official NASA place names on the extra gore we have removed and replaced with Elvis related place names.
Many of the Place names are for Hotels with an appropriate star, here you will find not only Heartbreak Hotel but also Kentucky Rain Hotel and also Blue Suevite Shoes Hotel (suevite being a type of mineral).
We have also positioned one or two road signs, for example by our makers label we have positioned a ‘Round the Bend’ sign.
Lastly, in the same position on Mars as indicated by the Sunday Sport, you will find Elvis immortalized. There are few items today available which celebrate Elvis in such a fitting way, I have heard of ‘Elvis Bog Roll Holders’ and other sad demeaning items. We after considerable time and effort have made not only a unique item but also, an item which will possibly become as legendary as the 1989 Sunday Sport article. It is now 25 years since his death and yet his songs still succeed in reaching the number one spot of the music charts. As long as people wish to evolve with ears, it will then be fair to say that Elvis will remain in the human sphere of consciousness.
We can supply this globe on a more impressive stand should your heart desire it!
Additional information
2 to 8 Weeks
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