Captain James Cook’s three voyages are charted and dated on this fine Italian Terrestrial Globe. This globe is 33 cms (13″) in diameter and is available on a copy of the original cradle stand made from recycled mahogany.
The globe is hand gored and made in the traditional manner using a plaster sphere. A booklet is supplied with this globe.The 1792 Cassini Celestial Globe charts the heavens of its 1790 Terrestrial pair. Like the terrestrial, this globe is 13″ (33cm) in diameter.
For customised labels or locations please call us.
These globes were the second globes we decided to republish. The celestial gores were kindly loaned by a private globe collector, the terrestrial gores were found in a public library in Germany.
The preparation and planning was going smoothly until we went to print, my printers at the time were a small company, they only had a small single colour press. In order for them to undertake the job, they would have to feed the papers through once for every colour (I am relieved that they now have a 4 colour press). The day after going to press the gores arrived, the printed colours were so faint that I had no option but to demand a reprint, but because our recycled paper supply was running out (specially made for globe making), we reprinted on the reverse side. Once again the papers were sent through the press. The 2nd edition is what you see before you, due to travelling through the press 4 times, being delivered to our workshop, inspected, rejected and returned, then resent through the press once again made some of the areas of the gores less sharp in registration, compared to other areas. Despite this, it has been well recieved. The 2nd edition is now running out and my printer has admitted that he has lost the plates and film needed to reprint. I personally believe he did not lose them, but threw them away in frustration. Consequently it is uncertain that we will re-edition when we run out of useable gores.
We can also supply thes fine globes as “Student Versions” where a simple black ebonised base is used, seen here is a pair destined for a Masonic Lodge. globe, recycled mahogany, recycled paper, globus, globe, terrestrial globe, fine globe.
Please note that both the Cassini Terrestrial and Celestial globes are also available as folding paper globes.
If you are looking for a globe similar to this in cradle stands but larger, see our Copley Globes as well as our Coronelli Globes.
#!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=10#!trpen#£350.00 – £950.00#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#
Captain James Cook’s three voyages are charted and dated on this fine Italian Terrestrial Globe. This globe is 33 cms (13″) in diameter and is available on a copy of the original cradle stand made from recycled mahogany.
The globe is hand gored and made in the traditional manner using a plaster sphere. A booklet is supplied with this globe.The 1792 Cassini Celestial Globe charts the heavens of its 1790 Terrestrial pair. Like the terrestrial, this globe is 13″ (33cm) in diameter.
For customised labels or locations please call us.
#!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=24#!trpen#Beschreibung#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#
These globes were the second globes we decided to republish. The celestial gores were kindly loaned by a private globe collector, the terrestrial gores were found in a public library in Germany.
The preparation and planning was going smoothly until we went to print, my printers at the time were a small company, they only had a small single colour press. In order for them to undertake the job, they would have to feed the papers through once for every colour (I am relieved that they now have a 4 colour press). The day after going to press the gores arrived, the printed colours were so faint that I had no option but to demand a reprint, but because our recycled paper supply was running out (specially made for globe making), we reprinted on the reverse side. Once again the papers were sent through the press. The 2nd edition is what you see before you, due to travelling through the press 4 times, being delivered to our workshop, inspected, rejected and returned, then resent through the press once again made some of the areas of the gores less sharp in registration, compared to other areas. Despite this, it has been well recieved. The 2nd edition is now running out and my printer has admitted that he has lost the plates and film needed to reprint. I personally believe he did not lose them, but threw them away in frustration. Consequently it is uncertain that we will re-edition when we run out of useable gores.
We can also supply thes fine globes as “Student Versions” where a simple black ebonised base is used, seen here is a pair destined for a Masonic Lodge. globe, recycled mahogany, recycled paper, globus, globe, terrestrial globe, fine globe.
Please note that both the Cassini Terrestrial and Celestial globes are also available as folding paper globes.
If you are looking for a globe similar to this in cradle stands but larger, see our Copley Globes as well as our Coronelli Globes.
Terrestrial globe, celestial globe, captain Cook, Captain James Cook, replica globe, , facsimile globe, reproduction globe, recycled mahogany, recycled paper, globus, globe, terrestrial globe, fine globe.Terrestrial globe, celestial globe, captain Cook, Captain James Cook, replica globe, , facsimile globe, reproduction globe, recycled mahogany, recycled paper, globus, globe, terrestrial globe, fine globe.Terrestrial globe, celestial globe, captain Cook, Captain James Cook, replica globe, , facsimile globe, reproduction globe, recycled mahogany, recycled paper, globus, globe, terrestrial globe, fine globe.
Cassini’s Celestial Globe on mahogany stand. Ref GT 1790 £800 + delivery.
Cassini’s Terrestrial Globe on mahogany stand. Ref GT 1792 £800 + delivery.
Terrestrial globe, celestial globe, captain Cook, Captain Jame
Cassini Student Globe on ebonised stand. Ref GT 1790 ST or GT 1792 ST £350 each + delivery.Cook, replica
#!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=2193#!trpen#Ergänzende Informationen#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#
6", 8", 12", 13", 16", 18", 21"
Mahogony Cradle Stand, Student Ebonised Stand
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#!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=1788#!trpen#Empfehlungen für Sie#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#